We Value Our People
Careers at First Acceptance are about building trust. Here we put helping people first. We respect our customers and our team members. We succeed together.
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First Acceptance has been in business for over 50 years.
We’re stable, but not staying put.
As we grow, so can you. Our success has come from helping hard-working people deal with uncertainty. Your success will come from working hard to give your community peace of mind.
We take care of your retirement fund with a 401k with company match.
We take care of your self-care with vacation starting 60 days in.
We take care of your wellbeing with great benefits.
We take care of our communities, and reward you for giving back too.
We take care of your overall health with additional available benefits.
We take care of your career by making room for you to grow.
We take care of your education goals with tuition reimbursement.
We take care of life's extras with Employee Discount Programs.